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Princess Sofy šŸ•Š


Princess Sofy Mykonos sofiene guellati RIP
Princess Sofy

My Princess Sofy šŸ•Š

We were all so lucky to have known you. To have spent a few years calling you my friend.

We met in Cannes, it must have been 12 years ago. Since that day, it didnā€™t matter which far flung corner of the world I travelled to, somehow, like a fabulous miracle, you would appear just when I needed you.

You taught me never to make myself smaller to fit in with other peoples ā€œnormalā€. Always to show up as yourself and that if other people thought you were ridiculous that was one hundred percent , their problem.

The second to last time I saw you, you asked what I was doing, where I was living. I told you, you laughed and said ā€œbaby Iā€™ve never even heard of that place, you need to moveā€ and I did, literally a couple of months later.

Iā€™ve always been so grateful for your advice, your energy, your talent to lift up everyone around you. I thought I had a lifetime to tell you how much you helped me over the years. How much I appreciated your kindness and wisdom (even in toilets at weird warehouse parties).

I wish every day I had found the words before it was too late. I hope you knew. I hope you know.

Amore, you will be missed so much by so many.

You were the life and soul of every party, you shone next to the biggest of personalities and energies.

Rest in Power, Rest in Peace, in your own little Mykonos above the clouds. Rest in Paradise my love šŸ•Š



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